Waiver/Limits of Liability:
Due to the nature of group and private physical exercise and dance, Emilia Caravousanos, NY Studio of Dance (NYSD), Inc., corporate officers, fellow students, landlord, dance instructors, assistants, employees, and contractors shall not be held responsible for injuries, or damages incurred as a result of, during, or relating to their experience, education or performances within or outside of the school proper. Please consult your physician to determine your physical or medical abilities and limitations to perform in this group environment. Each student participant or supervising consenting adult is responsible for considering and determining the student's respective physical, psychological, or medical limitations and safety at all times, and shall immediately bring attention to the teacher of any concerns as they may arise. On the reverse side of this page please list any physical injuries or limitations students may have for discussion prior to registration.
General Rules:
- Adhere to all studio rules posted at the school and performance venue(s)
- All occupants shall use diligent judgment and not attend the school if sick or feeling ill. (cold, virus, or flu-like symptoms)
- Student Parents and Guardians shall supervise their minor children to and from the teaching classroom and school proper, or while in the waiting areas to ensure safety and a mutually pleasant environment.
- NY Studio of Dance reserves the right to replace any class with a virtual class (ZOOM meeting or the like) upon warranted school closures, to the extent practical.
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